TCPA supports the overall Vision for Macaulay and generally supports the key moves listed.
However there is a significant gap which TCPA considers needs to be urgently addressed – a long term land use strategy.
A new bullet point should be introduced as the leading point under “Key moves”, namely:
- Provide a long term land use strategy for Macaulay to give context for the development of the four precincts
and Macaulay’s connections to adjoining communities.
While Map 4 on Page 9 proposes seven “key features” for Macaulay, their representation is too vague and does
not relate to similar features in adjoining communities or proposed in Arden.
The Arden Macaulay Structure Plan 2012 contains detail of existing land use patterns (2010) and a long term
land use strategy. The TCPA is concerned that there is not an equivalent discussion of an overall land use
strategy in Parts One and Two of the Draft Macaulay Structure Plan.
Is it intended that the Council decision processes would rely on a land use strategy that is in a completely
different document? If this were the case, it would be a highly risky approach as well as one that would
not be easily comprehended by community in general – residents or potential developers.
TCPA considers that:
- A land use strategy should be carried forward (with or without modification) into the Draft Macaulay Structure Plan.
- The status of the Arden Macaulay Structure Plan 2012 urgently needs to be clarified – certainly by the time of any Planning Scheme Amendment